Trip Dates

Friday, August 2nd - Monday, August 12th

Monday, August 12, 2013

Day 10: Heading Home!

Now that we are back in US airspace there access to the in-flight WiFi... It was hard to leave the field of Ireland, but it is good to be heading home... And what is a mission trip without a few bumps in the road!? This morning once we arrived at the airport in Shannon we found out that our departing flight was delayed due to technical issues on Delta's side. They had to switch out planes before it departed to Shannon, so that put everything back several hours. With this new information we found out that were were going to miss our connecting flight at JFK. Now, we must arrive at JFK, grab our bags, get on a shuttle to LaGuardia, check-in again, go through security, and make it through for a flight that leaves at 7PM for Cleveland. Please pray everything goes smooth and we are able to make it to LaGuardia on time!

We're homeward bound... :)


P.S. - To our brothers and sisters in Ireland... We miss you already!

Day 9: Sunday Morning Parent Service & Teen Pizza Party

2 Corinthians 12:15, "And I will very gladly spend and be spent for you..."

This morning's HBC parent service was fantastic. There were 170+ in attendance, we had more parents and children than what we had last year, and there were approximately 4-5 families that said they would be back to Mallow Bible Fellowship in the coming weeks. God was, and is, working! This is one thing that I love about our God... We may want to look back and see a few things we could have done better, made some things more polished, and even structured some details different, but God is in the business of taking what we offer and doing way more than what we can think or imagine! It is not about us... It is all about him!

Later on in the evening we met up with some of the teens that came to the teen camp, as well as the few others we ran into while in town. We had a great time talking, playing soccer, and eating Apache pizza together at the Southside Community Centre. This community center was the same one that we used 2 years ago for our first HBC, and here we are this year using it to reach out and minister to some teenagers. this part of our trip was completely unexpected... the connections we were able to make tonight were great, and it was another great example of how God goes way above and beyond all that we can ask or even imagine. He has plans that go way beyond our thoughts and plans!

What a great trip... :)

Please pray for us as we head home in the morning!

In Christ alone,

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Day 8: HBC - Day 4

1 Corinthians 3:6-9
6 I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase. 
7 So then neither is he that planteth any thing, neither he that watereth; but God that giveth the increase. 
8 Now he that planteth and he that watereth are one: and every man shall receive his own reward according to his own labour. 
9 For we are labourers together with God: ye are God's husbandry, ye are God's building.

This morning we had the privilege to go to Market Square and sing with the Mallow Gospel Choir for anyone and everyone that would stop to listen. It was a great time! After that was over, we headed over to the Youth Centre to get ready for another day of HBC.

Today at Bible Club, we had a little over 140 children... and we had such a great last day! The kids were attentive and everything went very smooth. Thank you for all the prayers! Continue to pray that the seed of the gospel that was planted would grow and mature. It was an incredible opportunity to come back for another year and continue the process of sowing, planting, and watering with the Lord.

Tomorrow is a very important day - it is the HBC Parent Service. We encouraged the kids all week long to come to church tomorrow morning and bring their parents/family. This service is designed to show the parents what took place all week long, share with the parents why we invest our time and energy into HBC, and to sow the seed of the gospel. Pray for soft and receptive hearts!

Also, pray for tomorrow evening... we have the chance to spend time with some of the teens we ministered to earlier in the week and some of the older teens we met last night at the soccer match. There are so many open doors to do the work of the Lord!