Trip Dates

Friday, August 2nd - Monday, August 12th

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Day 3 and 4: Teen Camp!

We just got back a few hours ago from Killarney National Park after spending 2 days with 10 teenagers... and it was a blast! In the 36+ hours we spent together we:

  • Played some fun and crazy games
    • Soccer
    • Avenger Ball (Ultimate Frisbee using a cheap $2 ball from a local store... and it was actually quite fun!)
    • Assassin (everyone's new favorite night-time game)
    • Skip-Bo
...and most importantly...
  • Opened God's word together 4 times as a group
    • Message 1: Jesus - His Birth
    • Message 2: Jesus - His Words and Works
    • Message 3: Jesus - His Death and Resurrection
    • Message 4: Jesus - His Disciples

Each and every person that attended the 4 sessions had the opportunity to see what the bible says about Jesus Christ:

#1) How amazing it is that the holy, perfect, eternal Creator and Sustainer humbled himself, and became a human in order to save us from our sin*

#2) How Jesus proved that he was God by his words and his works, for we are unable to save ourselves; only God can save us*

#3) How great the love of Jesus Christ and the Father is toward us - while we were yet sinners and enemies of God, he selflessly took the sin of the whole world upon himself, suffered the wrath of God that we deserved as sinners, died upon the cross, and rose again from the dead so that everyone would have the opportunity to receive his gift of salvation* 

#4) How ordinary men were willing to believe the Lord Jesus Christ and therefore God redeemed them and used them to do some amazing things to bring him glory* 

*There are way too many scriptures to put with the 4 statements above, so if you want a copy of my notes, let me know and I will gladly send them! :)

Please be praying for the teens that came, and for all those that heard the word of God. The Lord has promised in Isaiah 55:11, "So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it." Investing the words of God into another person is never a waste of time, for it will always accomplish what God sends it forth to accomplish... the investment will never return void.


P.S. - Pictures to come later! (it's already past midnight here... time for bed!)

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