Trip Dates

Friday, August 2nd - Monday, August 12th

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Day 2: Sunday Morning Service & Further Rest / Preparation for the Week

"For God so loved the world, that he gave he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." ~ John 3:16

We started our morning by hearing the Word of God preached by Stephen at Mallow Bible Fellowship. The sermon was based on John 3:16 focusing on the word, WHOSOEVER. Salvation is freely offered to ALL, no matter the sin. Our sin bearer carried ALL the sins of the world on His shoulders, so that we may have the gift of eternal life. Powerful! The congregation total today for Mallow church was 80 and they were responsive to Stephen's message. There was not an alter call or a straight forward invitation to salvation. Today we learned that it is borderline illegal to proselytize (evangelizing or persuaded someone to convert to your beliefs) in Ireland. Stephen ended his sermon simply saying this,"Now it's your choice... What will you do with what you've heard today?"  After the service we had the opportunity to continue fellow-shipping with the local church in Mallow. Its always amazing to see that even though we are cultures apart, we have an immediate connection though Christ, as if we are family. 

After the service, we enjoyed a wonderful lunch at our favorite restaurant (Peppers), followed by more needed rest and additional preparations for the week to come. 

Tomorrow we begin our 2-day teen camp. We are not exactly sure what to expect, so please pray for us... We will begin Holiday Bible Club this Wednesday afternoon. Thank you for your continued prayer for us!


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